2. Do 8 pages on 18x24 newsprint of "r2" robot ideations. Each page needs to have 5 concepts sketches on it. Each page should take 30 - 40 minuets x 8 pages = 5 - 7 hours Focus on getting your perspectives, lines and shading right. Use Black Prisma Color.
3. Sketchbook assignment: Goto the Law Quad and goto 2 seperate locations and draw 2 pages of environments, and 3 pages of interesting details. The interesting detail page should have a minimum of 3 different sketches on it. Each page should take 20-30 minutes. 5 pages x 20-30 min = 1.5 - 3 hours. Use Ball Point Pen.
4. Goto the autoshow and take 24 photos of really cool stuff.
Saturday, January 17 - Saturday, January 24, 2009
9 a.m. - 10 p.m. (no admittance after 9 p.m.)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
9 a.m. - 7 p.m. (no admittance after 6 p.m.)
Friendly Reminders: Use your timers, and challenge yourself to draw as fast as possible. Use indication and efficient line work. Also after this week, if your assignment is not done, it will not recieve a grade.
Chiwei, do we have to go to the autoshow this weekend? Just wondering because IDSA is going next weekend and I'd like to go with them.
Pete Hall